On the first Friday of each month, Adoration of the blessed sacarments begin after the 7am Mass and concludes at 10am. Volunteers from the parish are asked to sign up for half of an hour of adoration. We encourage you to spend time in quiet reverance.
After the weekday and Saturday morning Masses, a group recites the rosary.
How to Pray the Rosary
For those who are sick, in pain, or in need of healing... We pray for:
If you would like to add or remove a name from the prayer list, you may contact the parish office, email bulletin@namartyrsauburn.org, or fill out the form below. Please note: Due to the printing schedule, requests received after Tuesday mornings will be added to the next one.
Tuesday, January 28th, Memorial of St. Thomas Aquinas
7:00am Private Intention
Wednesday, January 29th, Servant of God Brother Juniper
7:00am Jared Daniel by the Lindberg Family
Friday, January 31st, Memorial of St. John Bosco
7:00am Robert J. Brooks by Lisa Burkitt
Saturday, February 1st, Saint Ansgar
8:00am Dr. Frank Rozanski by Fr. Fraini
4:30pm Arthur & Rita Lindberg by the Lindberg Family
Sunday, February 2nd, Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
8:30am Susan P. Morizzo by Father Fraini
10:30am Deceased Members of the Dunn Family by John & Heidi Worster
3:00pm Flame of Love Devotion
Monday, February 3rd, Saint Blaise
7:00am Peter Letourneau by Ann Trainor
Tuesday, February 4th, Saint Joseph of Leonissa
7:00am Rev. Father Edmund F. Falvey
Wednesday, February 5th, Memorial of Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr
7:00am Ciara Sullivan by Maureen and Peter Morse
Friday, February, 7th, Saint Colette
7:00am Steven Robichaud, Jr. by Louise Downie
Saturday, February 8th, Saint Josephine Bakhita
8:00am Private Intention
4:30pm Thomas Reney by the Bott Family
Sunday, February 9th, Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:30am Estelle O’Brien by Lindberg Family
10:30am Kathy Stasaitis by Family
Monday, February 10th, Mem. of St. Scholastica, Virgin
7:00am Francisco Peschiera & the Peschiera Sussman Family by Pechiera Roy family
Tuesday, February 11th, Our Lady of Lourdes
7:00am Teresita Durkan by Lindberg Family
Wednesday, February 12th, Saint Apollonia
7:00am Mary Buker-Adamski by Paula Zerdolino
Friday, February 14th, Mem. of Sts. Cyril, Monk, Methodius
7:00 Francis & Lorraine Derrick by Louise Downie
Saturday, February 15th, Saint Claude de la Colombière
8:00am Valerie Wilson by Mary Brigham
4:30pm Margaret Patton by the Bott family
Sunday, February 16th, Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:30 Ed Binnall, 10th Anniversary by family
10:30 James Brennan by family