We have completed the Annual Report for 2020. Running our Parish and serving the faith community remain our utmost concern and we ask for your continued efforts in donating your time, talents, and financial support. Thank you!
The Office for Vocations is hosting a holy hour at North American Martyrs in reparation for sins committed by priests and to pray for holiness among our priests. Please join Father Donato Infante on Monday, Nov. 9 at 7p.m. Face masks required.
Religious Ed begins this weekend. We need Catechist for the following: Mondays from 4-4:30 (Grades 1, 3, 4 and 5) and Sunday Evening for grades 6-10. Thank you for your consideration. Please call the office if you are able to help or email Lisa at lburkitt@namartyrsauburn.org,
Fr. Fraini will celebrate a special Mass on Monday, November 2nd at 7pm in honor of your loved ones who have passed. To have names added, please enter them online by 3pm on Sunday, November 1st.
The nine day novena for the Feast of the North American Martyrs will conclude at the 7pm Mass tonight! Join Fr. Fred for a wonderful evening filled with music and prayer.
Don't forget to bring your donations to help our Confirmation class and Auburn Youth and Family Services! SAT. OCT 17TH: 8a.m.-10a.m. and 2p.m.- 3:30p.m. | Oatmeal, low salt veggies, dog & cat food, healthy snacks, bottles of juice (cranberry & apple), gluten free pasta, flour, sugar, microwave mac &cheese, canned pumpkin and regular soups. SUN. OCT. 18TH 10:30a.m. - 1p.m. | Laundry detergent, bars of soap, paper towels and dish soap.
If you'd be willing to serve as an usher or temperature taker at the weekend masses, please submit your name to Judy Dadah at jdadah416@aol.com. Help is needed for the 4:30p.m. Mass on Saturday and the 8:30 & 10:30 Mass on Sunday.
We invite you to a Nine Day Novena beginning Sunday, October 11th - Monday October 19th for the Feast of the North American Martyrs. A daily Mass will be held on Thursday at 7 a.m. to keep with the traditional novena. On Monday, October 19th, Fr Fraini will offer a 7 p.m. Mass for those who wish to attend.
In an effort to keep all of our young people safe, Religious Ed classes will be held remotely this year. We are seeking catechists for all grade levels. Please contact Lisa Burkitt at lburkitt@namartyrsauburn.org if you are interested.