The Summer Loreto program is for children entering grades 1-6 in September, 2018. This is the beginning of your child’s religious education year. Any questions, please call the Religious Education Office at 508-798-0612. Note to Parents: Please remember to have your child bring the following items on the first day of class: Field Trip Permission Slip (one per family—to be returned at sign-in table); Snack donation (one item from the “safe snack list”); Lunch in insulated bag or cooler (each day); Service Project donation (Each child donation of $5.00 (maximum $15 per family)to continue to educate and feed Rwodmine, Wiker, Chardwine, Jean-Darly, and Malachy, our sponsored students from Haiti) . On Monday, please arrive early at 8:15 a.m. and stop at the check-in table in the church hall foyer for your child’s class assignment.