Religious Education Classes begin Sunday, September 12th. In order to enroll in the program, you must be a registered parishioner at North American Martyrs Parish. If you are not, you may join the parish by registering here.
Please use our online registration program to enroll your child / children in classes here. Children enrolled in Catholic Schools in Grades 2 or 11 need to register for Religious Ed for Sacramental preparation.
The fee is $100 for students in Sacramental years (Grades 2 & 11). The fee is $75 for students in all other grades. Checks made payable to North American Martyrs Parish may be dropped in collection basket or mailed to the parish office. Cash payments may be made in person at the parish office. Families who have three or more children enrolled will have a discounted rate of $200 for all of the children. Online payments may be made here.. Please note: A $4 online processing fee will be added to the registration fee.
Registrations received after August 13th will be subject to a $10 late fee.
Please contact our Religious Ed Director Lisa at with any questions! Thank you!