The Confirmation classes will be holding drives for Auburn Youth and Family Services! On October 17th and November 12th from 8a.m.-10a.m. and 2p.m.-3:30p.m. they will be collecting oatmeal, condensed tomato and cream of mushroom soup, low salt veggies, dog & cat food, healthy snacks, bottles of juice (cranberry and apple), gluten free pasta, flour, sugar, microwave mac and cheese, canned pumpkin, and regular soups. No dented cans please.
October 18th 10:30a.m. - 1p.m. and November 7th 9:30a.m.-12p.m., they will be collecting laundry detergent, bars of, soap, paper towels and dish soap
Please use the Hampton St. entrance drive through, drop off items and then exit the front of the church.