Baptisms are held on the first & third Sunday of the month following the 10:30 Mass. Please contact the parish office to schedule. You must be a registered parishioner at North American Martyrs Parish to have your child baptized. Join North American Martyrs Parish.
Baptism are an expression of parents’ or individual’s commitment to their faith, as well as a sign of God’s love and care for them. The celebration of the Sacrament provides an opportunity for family, loved ones, and members of the community to welcome the child into the Catholic faith.
Fr. Fraini presides over the Baptisms, however, participation in the ceremony by a priest or deacon who has special ties to the family is most welcomed. Please notify us in advance if you would like to have another priest or deacon baptize your child.
There are some basic rules concerning Godparents. The role of the Godparent is to represent the Church in receiving the infant/child/person into the communion of the Church and further to support the infant/child/person in living a Catholic life. Therefore, a non-Catholic cannot be a Godparent, but he or she can be a witness. Below are the requirements to be a Godparent:
Must be a Roman Catholic
Must be baptized, received Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation.
Must be at least 16 years of age by the date of the baptism.
Sincerely believes and strives to put into practice the Word of God as taught by the Catholic Church
Regularly takes part in the Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligations
If married, must be in a marriage that is recognized by the Catholic Church
If unmarried, living a life consistent with a single person as defined by the Catholic church.
Must not be a parent of the child.
In order to be a Godparent, you must complete the Baptismal Godparent Testimony Form. Each Godparent is asked to complete the form. Please bring the completed UNSIGNED form to your Catholic Church and ask a priest or deacon of your parish to witness you signing the document. The pastor or deacon must then sign the form, place the parish seal on it and return the signed and sealed document to the parish office at least one week before the date of the baptism.
NOTE ABOUT PROXIES: A godparent is not required to be present for a baptism. When a godparent cannot be present, a Catholic parent or the candidate him/herself may ask someone to stand in as a proxy for the godparent as long as the proxy is not one of the parents.